Simply Timeless Photography Newborn Portfolio Session Guide
Model (portfolio) Sessions are typically offered when Simply Timeless Photography needs a few images with a certain look for marketing/advertising purposes e.g on a new backdrop, using a new colour scheme, technique or new equipment. The session will be styled by the photographer. Digital images (typically 3-5) we select marketing will be given for free as a thank you for your time. You will be given an opportunity to view additional images if extras are created.
How to Prepare
Newborns are best photographed when sleepy and on a full belly, so in the hour or so before the session please try to keep your little one awake as much as possible. In addition for please try to schedule a feed for before you leave the house, so they will be and ready to start once you arrive.
What to Bring
We ask that you bring extra milk (unless little one is breast fed) and anything else you would normally bring when taking baby out for longer periods of time. If parents are having images with their little one we suggest wearing simple, neutral, and comfortable clothing for these shots as well as having your hair, nails, and makeup as normal.
Our portfolio newborn sessions typically take 1-2 hours and we will do 2-3 setups in that time. We ask that only the parents attend the session with their little one(s). In the studio, we have a posing bed and a number of pillows so we can achieve a variety of different poses. We also have a number of blankets, hats, headbands, and props ready for you when you arrive.
If you have older children and we are including sibling and/or family images we do ask that you bring some items and snacks along to entertain them once their images are complete.