Cake Smash Guide

Thank you for booking with Simply Timeless Photography!

Before your cake smash

To start we ask that you choose a collection most suited to your needs. The bigger the collection the bigger the decor budget is for the smash! We also ask that you choose a time best for baby, such as after a nap. Then once booked in we go into more detail about your Cake Smash, you can be specific about the things you want or you are free to let us know your colour scheme or theme and leave the rest to us.

We do reccomend giving your baby a cupcake with buttercream to play with a few times before the smash so they are used to the textures and tastes.

If your little one is shy, suffering separation anxiety or doesn’t like new places/ strangers, we are happy for you to visit the studio* in the week before without the camera so your little one can be more comfortable on the day of their cake smash. *Advance booking required.

What to Bring

We ask that you bring your almost one year old, anything you would normally take out with you when out for a few hours with baby, a nice outfit for clean images (optional), a comfortable outfit to go home in, extra wet wipes and if you are opting for bathtub images a towel and bubble bath. We also reccomend bringing a few favorite snacks and a drink for baby and reccomend you come in clothes you don’t mind getting cake on.

What we Provide

The decorations, use of outfit and the cake are all included with our sessions. Please be sure to let us know if your child has any intolerences or allergies, if we are able to accomodate them we are happy to provide the cake, if not you may need to supply your own.

During Your Cake Smash

During the Cake Smash we start with Family (if requested) and clean images, this helps baby warm up to the camera and us. We then move onto the Cake Smash! We put baby right behind the cake, at this point we reccomend staying close and showing baby that it’s food and okay to eat. Once baby begins to get bored, has had enough or the cake has been demolished we end there or bring out the bathtub (optional), this gives baby chance to clean off and have a splash.

After Your Cake Smash

After your Cake Smash we will email you to arrange your viewing session where you will come back into the sudio to view and select your images and buy extras if wanted. This will be around a week after your session.

Your digital files will be edited and emailed to you in a downloadable gallery within 1-2 weeks and printed products will be ready to collect within 2-4 weeks of your viewing. We can fast-track a small number of digital images if they are needed for their Birthday where the session has been done in advance.